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Within minutes of initializing gameplay in Black & White, it's readily apparent you're not looking at a clone of a typical good versus evil adventure or a god game. Mixing elements of empire building, resource management, life simulation, survival and brawling with complex strategies and tactics in a gorgeous fantasy setting seems too good to be true -- but that's exactly what famed Populous designer Peter Molyneux accomplishes in developer Lionhead Studios' first effort.

  1. Black & White 2 is a video gamedeveloped by Lionhead Studios and published by Electronic Arts released in October 2005. It is the sequel to 2001's Black & White. A Mac OS X port was released in January 2009, 1 and released for download via the Mac App Store in November 2014.
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  3. From the creative minds of god game developer Peter Molyneux and RTS-creator Ron Millar comes Black & White 2, the sequel to the acclaimed hit Black & White. Choose and customise the Creature that's right for you from a selection, including old favourites like the Ape, Cow, and Lion.
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Rather than bombard you with gushing platitudes regarding the nearly uncontested beauty of the game, the focus here is on gameplay, style and innovation. While it's fun to play the supreme decision maker in games such as Afterlife and Dungeon Keeper, the unbridled enthusiasm of characters in Black & White simply takes your breath away. Rarely does a game immerse you so quickly and so completely in the fortunes or failures of its protagonist (or antagonist).

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Black and White 2: Battle of the Gods Lionhead Black and White 2: Battle of the Gods Black & White 2: Battle of the Gods once again makes you into a nameless god whose very existence depends upon having devoted worshipers. Game Features 3 Lands Battle with the enemy god over three lands including two hitherto undiscovered ones. Mac/Windows Turn Your Mac/Windows Device Into a Flip Clock. Fliqlo for Mac/Windows is a clock screensaver that allows you to make your desktop/laptop device screen look like a flip clock. It displays the time with flip animation in large white numerals against a black background. Thanks to its visibility, you can read the time even from a distance.

So much effort is eventually expended in molding your character into exactly the type of deity you want him to be, including personality, foibles and moralistic bent, you find yourself really caring what happens to him and fiercely defensive of any enemy who might presume to challenge his domain. All of this builds from a seemingly innocuous beginning as a god-in-waiting or rookie god, if you will.

The plot is not, in or of itself, particularly new but does have a twist. You're in charge of getting things done not by a specific hands-on approach but through manipulation of your subjects, whether they're groveling, sniveling and cowered minions under your unrestrained and turbulent dominance or happy creatures entranced by your gracious kindness. The methodology behind this control is at the core of Black & White and it works on all cylinders. Download virtual dj 2020 for mac. The environment is so convincing that suspension of disbelief is not a problem -- you are immersed in a luscious and live world teeming with entities begging for guidance from the start.

Usually games of this nature give you two choices: good or evil. Black & White, on the other hand, offers a third possibility. Some may think it just a sub-set of evil, but the unmistakable fact remains that you can mold your character to a level beyond evil -- pure unmitigated nastiness. There may be a fine line between evil and nasty but, in this case, nasty can reach a new level. And yet, with all the possibilities, success can be achieved and be just as sweet regardless of the path chosen -- scare tactics, rewards, cajoling, demands, beatings, threats, trust, starvation -- the options boggle the mind. Let your personal preferences soar and become one with your god.

The aspect of watching your character take on your own personality over time can't be overemphasized. While manipulating the populace is a means to one end (specifically the overriding game goal of defeating your arch rival Nemesis and his minions), how you handle your own creation is another facet of gameplay altogether and one just as rewarding, if not more so. Through subtle changes brought about by your ministrations, corrections and guidance, a complex personality emerges that will make you either proud of your progeny or downright upset if he fails miserably -- you'll take it personally.

Are there any clouds in the otherwise clear skies of Black & White? Some gamers may not like the somewhat limited creature combat setup, which basically consists of in-your-face, creature-to-creature, non-lethal slugfests incorporating special moves, agility, and the occasional miracle (synonymous with spells and magic in similar games). While effective at determining immediate confrontations, the combat interface is a bit awkward and creatures don't actually die -- they recover from wounds in their temple. These conflicts occur mainly in skirmishes and multiplayer sessions but are rare in story mode and are not to be confused with important combat in the macro-sense of destroying enemy villages, sacrosanct temples, inhabitants, and even resources to prevent expansionism by your opponent.

Story mode is consistent with similar games in the genre. Manage your village, construct buildings, produce or forage for resources (wood and food are the staples), and explore to discover mini-quests (in this case, scrolls) that can enhance your chances for success. While not overly challenging, the puzzles provide a means for increasing your arsenal of tricks and items. Gold scrolls, for example, are essential to story advancement.

What the game boils down to, though, is user preference. Fans of linear, do-this-to-accomplish-that goal-oriented adventures may be put off by the open-ended quality of gameplay, which is somewhat reminiscent of The Sims. Those who decry micromanagement in any form may be dismayed at the level of involvement required to keep the villagers from whining and complaining constantly. Still others may be turned off by the overabundance of defecation and puking sounds.

Regardless, the game has the potential to give each player a real insight into his or her own psyche. The name of the game is self-expression through the character you develop. Besides, the game is simply pure fun once the learning curve is behind you and offers an immense canvas on which to paint any god-like aspirations. Go forth, multiply and rule!

Graphics: Absolutely stunning and gorgeous graphics add to the belief that you're really a part of this fantasy garden of Eden. Fluid movement of characters, luscious backgrounds and general environmental settings are praiseworthy. Oddly enough, though, individual villagers are simply and undeniably ugly (by design perhaps?) and occasional clipping and overlaps occur.

Sound: Creature sounds, voice effects and general ambiance is of high quality, ranging from villager-speak to subtle audio clues as to what's happening around you. Humor, terror, death rattles, screams, streams, wind, life-affirming sounds and more create a wonderful mix of aural complexity that reverberates throughout gameplay.

Enjoyment: Rarely is an immersion factor and identification with characters so prevalent as in Black & White. Creature manipulation is nearly honed to a science and small complaints like the combat interface, the unavoidable tutorial required for each restart, and somewhat excessive resource management for villagers (especially for only two resources) don't detract appreciably from the overall immersion of gameplay. You can be good, evil or as nasty as you want to be -- playing a god has never been such a fulfilling enterprise. Even the overall mouse-intensive interface can be adjusted to keyboard input if desired.

Replay Value: Even with initial gameplay, be prepared for some very long and intensive hours and the occasional restart as you learn the complexities of Black & White. The game demands literally hundreds of hours to completely explore and reap the benefits of total character creation and the multifaceted aspects of gameplay. Add the diversity of the main characters and the nearly unlimited permutations of possible gameplay to its sheer size and multiplayer aspects, and a long game life is guaranteed.

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Players personally steer the fate of an entire civilization, for better or for worse, in this action-strategy sequel designed to further live up to the divine ambitions of the original. Like the first game, Black & White 2 places players in the role of a powerful god, who can bless or curse the people of the land with the snap of the finger or flick of a wrist. Benevolence inspires adoration, and punishment inspires fear, but in either case, faithful followers are any god's primary resource and it is their belief and devotion that allows the deity to perform awe-inspiring acts.

The building and management elements in Black & White 2 are somewhat more structured than in the original game, and the game's main interface has been streamlined. As in the original, individual villagers may have special prayers from time to time, posing distinct dilemmas to deities who chose to answer them. Once again, the comical, cartoonish angel and devil pop up occasionally to offer their yin and yang commentaries, and to provide insight on the practical pros and cons of both the 'good' and 'evil' possible solutions to a problem.

Perhaps somewhat less prominent than in the first game, but of no less importance, is the player's creature -- an animal avatar in the earthly realms. As a creature grows and learns, it begins to reflect its master's propensity toward good or evil, in both behavior and appearance. There is less of an absolute demand for creature training in Black & White 2, even though its benefits are no less rewarding. Creatures can now be assigned to many menial tasks, which they will dutifully complete. Unless they are taught to think and act for themselves, however, they will never develop into much more than large, powerful drones which must be continually managed.

The original Black & White game turned players into a newly fledged god and tasked them with training their little Creature into whatever they wanted it to be -- from a benevolent provider of healing and food to a mighty engine of destruction -- that would then be to help his or her worshipers take over the world. Unfortunately, the original game was yet another example of a brilliant Peter Molyneux idea that just failed to gel into a real game. Beyond the training, care, and feeding of the Creature, practically nothing in the original game seemed to work as advertised.

Welcome to the world of Black & White 2, where Molyneux and his Lionhead team seemed determined to not repeat the mistakes of the original game. In that, at least, they've certainly succeeded. In every measurable way, Black and White 2 is a superior product, revamping the original game's unfocussed gameplay mechanics into an enjoyable RTS/city-building hybrid. In the process, however, the game has lost a lot of its personality. Unlike the original, Black & White 2's numbers lie too close to the surface, reducing a god's rise to power to a checklist of tasks that must be completed to advance to the next level.

As in the original game, everything begins by selecting a baby Creature during the overly long and criminally inescapable tutorial. Your Creature begins as a moral and intellectual blank, neither good nor evil. Once you wake the creature up, though, it can be trained to be whatever you want it to be. As it runs around your world, thought balloons pop up as it considers various actions ('Should I throw that rock?', 'I'm hungry, should I eat this villager?'). Slapping or petting the creature a couple of times is enough to train it to perform the kinds of actions you wish, and if you need it to perform certain other functions in the short term, there are even 'roles' such as 'Soldier' or 'Entertainer' the Creature can be forced into, although this will rob the creature of free will.

On the most basic level, this system is a huge improvement over the 'learning leash' system of the first game. There's no ambiguity regarding what kind of personality your Creature is developing, and depending on how you're playing the game, it makes it the Creature a sort of 'uber-unit' that can be used when the player's attention is elsewhere. More aggressive gods focused on warfare, for example, will appreciate having a growing and gathering Creature that can maintain the huge food supply needed to field an army. The problem with this system, however, is that it robs the Creature of any sort of personality.

One of my fondest memories of the original Black & White was leading my Creature around on a leash and teaching it what I wanted it to do. I still remember my tiger's first fumbling attempts at performing a miracle and how it would watch me as I uprooted a tree and deposited it in the store house. Then it would do the same and look up at me, waiting for my approval or disapproval. It was hard to train the Creature to do exactly what you wanted, and it inevitably screwed up a lot, but that was what made the Black & White Creature seem like a real personality that I could bond with. The Black & White 2 system shatters this illusion, putting on display what we all always knew -- that the Creature is really nothing more than a series of AI 'on-off' switches.

While the Creature may have lost some personality, the good news is that training and playing with it is no longer the central dynamic of the game. In fact, it's entirely possible to play the game with a Creature that does little more than play with its Teddy Bear and occasionally poop in a grain field. The remainder of the game is divided between a city-building portion and a simplified real-time strategy game.

Of the two, the city-building portion is the most enjoyable, partly because of the unbelievable beauty of the game's graphic engine. Every corner of the world is a treat for the eyes, filled with lovingly crafted details on everything from the tiny flower beds that deck civic structures to the waving of grass as your hand passes over it to the waddling gait of your pregnant female citizens. This gets even more enjoyable as your alignment shifts from good to evil. Good cities slowly become brighter and more beautiful, filled with laughter and happy little adornments everywhere. Evil cities, on the other hand, will slowly get darker and more oppressive, with buildings sprouting spikes and fences and the ground becoming a cracked lavascape.

It's also because this portion of the game comes closest to hiding the inevitable number-juggling that goes on in a city builder. As the city grows, various buildings that have different impacts on your civic life and moral alignment will become available. The beauty of the game's incredible graphic power is that what your citizens need and what you as planner need to do is almost always obvious just from looking around your city. Too many workers mourning dead bodies on the street probably means your graveyard is full and you need another. An empty granary and people screaming for food means you either need another grain mill or perhaps should work a couple of water miracles to increase grain yield. The numbers describing your city's needs and production are all available, but I found I very rarely needed to consult them -- the game's cities feel 'alive' in a way the game's Creature no longer does.

The RTS portion of the game, on the other hand, is a bit more problematic. It's fairly simple. Platoons of melee troops and archers are created from your city's excess population, along with large quantities of wood and ore for weapons, and grain to eat. This means that fielding any kind of decent army require spending considerable time creating an infrastructure to support it. Once armies are created, the player can move unit flags around where pop-up tags offer common-sense orders -- 'attack,' 'capture,' 'defend,' and the like. This is all fine, but very simplistic, and the enemy AI's strategic capability makes the AI that runs your simple Creature look like Patton. The game's RTS portions can be boiled down to 'Build a bigger army than your enemy and throw them into combat.'

Black & White 2 follows the course of the fall and rise of the Greeks, whose civilization has been destroyed by the Aztecs. With your divine help, the Greeks must reclaim their greatness, rebuild their civilization and defeat the Aztecs by conquering a series of islands. How the player chooses to pursue this goal, however, is up to them. Good gods can choose to focus on city-building, creating impressive cities that eventually convince opponent's citizens to join their culture. Evil gods, on the other hand, can build up an enormous army, capture the opposing culture's cities, and force their enemies to convert at the point of a sword. Had this idea been fully realized, there's no doubt in my mind that Black & White 2 would have been an instant classic. Even in its less-than-perfect state, I had a lot of fun building up and perfecting my little Greek city-state. Unfortunately, this element of the game is its biggest flaw.

The problems begin with the 'Tribute' menu -- although it can be difficult at first to see what's wrong with the system. The Tribute menu is merely a collection of unlockable toys that the player can use to improve his or her city or increase their powers -- standard issue in city-building games. There are new buildings, new miracles, new Creature powers, and even new wonders of the world available to be unlocked, all of which can have a profound impact on the game. The Siren wonder, for example, can be charged up with prayer and used to summon a spirit that can convert enemy armies and villagers to your cause.

The cost of these toys, however, is deducted from the player's 'Tribute' total -- basically divine currency awarded for achieving certain goals. Now, one might assume that putting together a great city that pleases your worshipers would naturally open up more city structures on the tribute menu, while turning your Creature into a warrior would perhaps cause it to learn some dark, destructive miracles. That's the way it usually works in such games, but not here. Instead, tribute is gained by ticking off chores on an arbitrary checklist of goals. Having your Creature mine 8,000 Ore might be worth 10,000 tribute. The numbers are too naked, the tasks themselves too random to really feel like anything but busywork. I'm supposed to be a god -- not some automaton mindlessly checking off boxes on a task list. The Tribute menu makes it very difficult to approach growing your empire in a way that feels organic, not when you're constantly trying to 'make your numbers.'

Tribute can also be garnered by completing quests marked by silver scrolls that are liberally dotted about the landscape. Unlike the original game which made these side quests a fun, integral element, the silver scroll quests in Black & White 2 are mostly pointless, do nothing to move your alignment, and are remarkably little fun. The worst offenders are a quest to help a student monk break boulders that is almost impossible to do without some intercession by a real god, and a challenge to clear a village of disease by waving away clouds of gas with your hand. The latter quest, in fact, has you jerking around the mouse like such a lunatic, I may have developed carpal tunnel syndrome. Unfortunately, the pressing need for tribute means that these quests can often not be ignored.

Black & White 2, in ironic tribute to its name, perhaps, takes a pretty binary view of good and evil. Anything associated with building and growing is automatically good, anything associated with making war is automatically evil. The game makes no distinction between a peaceful state building an army for self-defense and one designed for murder and conquest. Building a nursery is automatically good, even if the purpose of the nursery is to free up slaves to toil more hours for your Mordor-like state and to raise the next generation of mindless drones.

The result of this is that is becomes incredibly difficult to run a truly 'good' state. Gods that try to co-opt their opponents by building impressive cities can find their city's 'impressiveness' ranking hurt by a slide towards evil engendered by simply defending themselves against an aggressor. A player who truly wants to run a good civilization can go crazy trying to build a city big enough to empty out their opponent's capital as the 'impressiveness' of various city improvements gets hit by diminishing returns.

Co-opting smaller enemy settlements doesn't really help, either, since you don't actually take over enemy cities that way. Instead, their populations migrate to join your capital, possibly becoming homeless (which can hurt your impressiveness rating), and leaving empty towns that can either be 'evilly' conquered or left for the enemy to use as a forward base. Wouldn't it have made more strategic, tactical, and gameplay sense to have people join your civilization in their own city and add those towns' impressiveness to your overall total?

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Playing as evil, on the other hand, is a snap. It's unbelievably easy to turn your civilization into quite the mini-Hellhole, pumping out cannon fodder to be led to mindless slaughter by your depraved Creature. In fact, this can happen even if you don't want it to. Put simply, if you don't want to spend forever pushing for incremental improvements to your city on the 'good' path, the game's lack of strong strategic AI can make Black & White 2 an awfully short game as your hordes overrun the world.

In the end, Black & White 2 is an example of a sequel overreacting to the problems of the original. Peter Molyneux and the Lionhead team clearly listened to the massive criticism the first game received, and spent more time focusing on the 'game' aspects of the title, implementing a fun city builder and a (slightly less fun) RTS aspect while spending less time on the cute Creature animations. They also made the game much more transparent, finally creating a viable process for turning the Creature into more than a useless oversized Tamagotchi. Kudos to them for that, as the resulting game is certainly an enjoyable one. Unfortunately, in the process of fixing the game, they ended up stripping much of what made the first game so endearing by allowing the numbers to take precedence over the personality. What Black & White 2 gained in competence; it seems to have lost in soul.


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Black & White 2
Developer(s)Lionhead Studios
Robosoft Technologies (Mac OS X)
Feral Interactive(Mac OS X)
Designer(s)Peter Molyneux, Ron Millar
Programmer(s)David Bryson, Daniel Deptford, Tid Cooney
Artist(s)Jamie Galipeau, Paul McLaughlin, Christian Bravery, Jon Eckersley
Writer(s)James Leach
Composer(s)Russell Shaw, Craig Beattie
Platform(s)Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X
Mac OS X
  • NA: 6 January 2009
Genre(s)Real-time strategy, god game

Black & White 2 is a video gamedeveloped by Lionhead Studios and published by Electronic Arts released in October 2005. It is the sequel to 2001's Black & White. A Mac OS X port was released in January 2009,[1] and released for download via the Mac App Store in November 2014.[2] The game blends real-time strategy and god game elements.


The player takes the role of a god called from the void (nothingness) to help the villagers who invoked them. The player must help develop their nature according to their good or evil desires. The player is physically represented in the world as an avatar-like creature, which takes the form of a giant anthropomorphicape, lion, wolf, turtle, cow, or tiger. The creature can grow to an immense size, and adopt a good or evil persona[clarification needed]. They develop their character as the player rewards or punishes their actions. In addition to the god simulation and city-building elements introduced in the original Black & White, Black & White 2 also features elements of real-time strategy gameplay, with the addition of controllable warfare and fighting units.

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Black & White 2 features a more conventional heads-up display (HUD) system than its predecessor. Rather than the experimental HUD-less gameplay seen in the original game, Black & White 2 features HUD notifications that inform players of their creature's state of mind, the effects of their actions on their creature, the status of villages, etc. The user interface is almost button-less. The player sees little else on the screen but the world, the player's hand, and toolbars which the player can make disappear.

The only way the player can directly interact with this world is through the player's hand, which can be used to pick up people, trees, food, and influence[clarification needed] the ground. The player can also cast miracles for a certain amount of 'Prayer Power' (in essence, 'Mana'), which comes from the player's believers.

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To do things such as cast miracles, the player moves the hand in such a way to make a symbol on the ground, referred to as a gesture. This activates the miracle, and if the player has enough Prayer Power, it appears in the player's hand ready to cast. Miracles have a variety of different uses. There are six ordinary miracles: fire, lightning, water, shield, heal, and meteor, (each of which can be thrown or poured), and four epic wonders[clarification needed]: siren, hurricane, earthquake, and volcano.

Black & White 2 can be played in three ways: Good, Evil, or combination of the two. Evil involves the use of fear, torture, conquest and destruction using armies along with the creation of building such as a pit of torture. Good involves benevolence, more positive city building, and looking after the populace, particularly defending it from attacks. Both of these require ore and wood, of which there is a limited amount.

The player's tribe is the Greeks. Other tribes include Egypt, Norse, Aztec, and Japanese.

As in Black & White, players can create disciples to do the player's job in certain areas of the game while the player tends to other business. For example, if the player needs to lead an invasion, they can set villagers, and even their creature to farm for them while they lead an invasion.


The player can choose between several creatures, including the ape, lion, wolf, cow and tiger, although the tiger is not available in the base game. The player's creature can do most things the player can do, such as cast miracles. Since the player trains the creature, their personality can become whatever the player makes of it. Each tribe, like the player, owns creatures at some stage. As the game progresses, the enemies' creatures increase in strength and size. Unlike Black & White, in which the creature had to be taught miracles through repetition, Black & White 2 allows the player to 'buy' creature miracles with 'Tribute' currency. Along with this, Black & White 2 allows the player to revisit everything they've taught their creature in order to alter and fine-tune it at any time, while the original Black & White only allowed changes to be made as the creature repeated an action.


The player comes upon a scene of a Greek city being devastated by a huge Aztec army after being summoned from a 'pure prayer'. After the player saves a certain number of people, their people are transported to a new land with a handful of refugee worshipers, the player must re-establish a power base[clarification needed] from which to eventually defeat the Aztec empire. To do so, the player must conquer the Norse, the Japanese and the Aztecs, either by peace or war. Throughout the game there is a theme of 'The prophecy', which states that a tribe will be destroyed by the mightiest power in the world but will receive a god who will lead them to glory and dominance of the world.


Aggregate score
Review scores
Game Informer8.5/10[6]
PC Gamer (US)83%[13]
The Sydney Morning Herald[14]

The game received 'generally favorable reviews' according to video game review aggregatorMetacritic.[3]

Black & White 2 received a 'Silver' sales award from the Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association (ELSPA),[15] indicating sales of at least 100,000 copies in the United Kingdom.[16]

Expansion pack[edit]

An expansion pack, Black & White 2: Battle of the Gods, was released in April 2006. It includes a new creature, new lands, miracles, enemies, challenges and the tiger from the Black & White 2 Special Edition. The premise involves the player's return to Eden, where they discover that the Aztecs have raised their own evil deity which must be confronted head-on for control of the land. The player may choose how they will challenge this new god, either by countering the evil deity's actions with good deeds, or attempting to defeat through evil actions.

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  1. ^Holt, Chris (23 February 2009). 'Review: Black and White 2'. Macworld. Archived from the original on 11 June 2011. Retrieved 25 January 2016.
  2. ^
  3. ^ ab'Black & White 2 for PC Reviews'. Metacritic. Retrieved 25 January 2016.
  4. ^Edge staff (November 2005). 'Black & White 2'. Edge (155): 94.
  5. ^Walker, John (4 October 2005). 'Black & White 2'. Eurogamer. Retrieved 26 January 2016.
  6. ^Juba, Joe (November 2005). 'Black & White 2'. Game Informer (151): 172. Archived from the original on 3 August 2009. Retrieved 25 January 2016.
  7. ^Boba Fatt (4 October 2005). 'Black & White 2 Review for PC on'. GamePro. Archived from the original on 13 October 2005. Retrieved 26 January 2016.
  8. ^Ocampo, Jason (5 October 2005). 'Black & White 2 Review'. GameSpot. Retrieved 25 January 2016.
  9. ^Rausch, Allen 'Delsyn' (5 October 2005). 'GameSpy: Black & White 2'. GameSpy. Retrieved 26 January 2016.
  10. ^'Black & White 2 Review'. GameTrailers. 28 October 2005. Archived from the original on 4 August 2008. Retrieved 26 January 2016.
  11. ^Knutson, Michael (17 October 2005). 'Black & White 2 - PC - Review'. GameZone. Archived from the original on 5 October 2008. Retrieved 26 January 2016.
  12. ^Butts, Steve (28 September 2005). 'Black & White 2'. IGN. Retrieved 25 January 2016.
  13. ^'Black & White 2'. PC Gamer: 74. 25 December 2005.
  14. ^Hill, Jason (3 November 2005). 'Traditional and structured'. The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved 25 January 2016.
  15. ^'ELSPA Sales Awards: Silver'. Entertainment and Leisure Software Publishers Association. Archived from the original on 21 February 2009. Retrieved 7 November 2018.
  16. ^Caoili, Eric (26 November 2008). 'ELSPA: Wii Fit, Mario Kart Reach Diamond Status in UK'. Gamasutra. Archived from the original on 18 September 2017.

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External links[edit]

  • 'Official website'. Archived from the original on 24 March 2006. Retrieved 1 July 2014.
  • 'Official Black & White 2: Battle of the Gods site'. Archived from the original on 24 March 2006. Retrieved 28 April 2006.CS1 maint: BOT: original-url status unknown (link)
  • Black & White 2 at MobyGames

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